ESYS 10:  Lecture 7


Topics (with selected links):

Atmospheric Circulation
Intertropical Convergence Zo ne (USA Today)
Hadley Circulati on
Coriolis effect
USA Today Coriolis fo rce
Coriolis effect Which way does the water spiral when you drain your bathtub?
Scientific American on water flowing down a drain
Bad Coriolis (Penn State)
Simpson's Episode (with erroneous interpretation)
Dominant atmospheric circulation
Global wind patterns (over the ocean)
Winds in tropical cyclone Dora
Weather chart tutorial (UK Met Office)
Weatherwatch (Scholastic)

Weather patterns: land-sea differences
Sea breeze (USA Today)
Sea and land breezes
Indian Summer Monsoon (Climate Prediction Center)
Indian monsoon rainfall
Indian Monsoon and its impact on agriculture (USDA)

Global precipitation
Evaporation and condensation (USA Today)
Latent Heat (USA Today)
Greenland ice
Antarctic ice
Santa Ana winds (USA Today)
June Gloom and the Catalina Eddy