Q: Where to look for more oceanographic tools?
There actually exists SEA-MAT (http://crusty.er.usgs.gov/sea-mat/), "a collaborative effort to organize and distribute Matlab tools for the Oceanographic Community".Here is a summury, of what they have (as of Sep. 20, 2000):
Time Series Tools Air-Sea: Compute surface wind stress and heat flux components from buoy and shipboard atmospheric and near-surface oceanographic time series measurements. Developed by Bob Beardlsley and Rick Pawlowicz. version 2.0! . Timeplt: Stacked x-y and vector stick plots with Gregorian time labeling from Rich Signell. Bobstuff Vector Correlation, Complex Correlation, and other tools from Bob Beardsley (WHOI) RPS Stuff Miscellaneous time series tools from Rich Signell, a PPM image reader and writer, a program to read SeaBird CTD .CNV files, and more. RDI ADCP ==>NetCDF==>Matlab : Tools for converting RDI ADCP data to netCDF format, then manipulating and visualizing these files with Matlab. RDI BB-ADCP ==>Matlab : Tools for converting RDI Broadband ADCP data directly to Matlab Numerical Modeling Tools OM-Viz:Visualization and Analysis tools for SCRUM, ECOM and POM Ocean Models from Rich Signell. HOPS GUI: Visualization tools for the Harvard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS) by Pedro Velez. HISWA-Viz:Visualization and Analysis tools for the HISWA wave model from Jeff List. Ocean Processes Numerical Modeling Laboratory (OPNML) Matlab Library: Tools for working with the Dartmouth Finite Element Circulation Models. Mapping Tools Mapping tools : Projections, inverse-projections, coastline & elevation databases and more! From who else? Rich Pawlowicz! Map Stuff: Coastline and lon/lon labeling stuff from Rich Signell. Check out this sample image . If you need coastline data, you might want to check out the Coastline Extractor . Hydrographic Tools EasyKrig2.0 Toolkit : A gui-driven collection of routines to make Kriging of hydrographic and other spatial data a simple process, by Dr. Dezhang Chu. OCEANS toolbox : A collection of routines useful for oceanographers, including the UNESCO routines (specific heat capacity, the equation of state, etc.), various sound-speed equations, T/S diagrams, distances on an ellipsoidal earth, and more. CSIRO Seawater Toolkit: Tools for computing properties of seawater, including potential density, specific volume anamoly, Brunt-Vaisala frequency, speed of sound, and more. Dynamic Normal Modes routine from John Klinck Optimal Multi-Parameter (OMP) Water Mass Mixing Analysis from the University of Hamburg. These m-files facilitate water mass mixing analysis for hydrographic data. The analysis is an inverse method looking for the best linear fit in a n-dimensional parameter space of tracers. A Users Guide is included! STAPLOT : A simple and flexible package designed to facilitate graphical analysis of hydrographic or other irregularly spaced data. WOCE tools A collection of WOCE water property data utilities from Paul Robbins (WHOI). FloatAxis: Plot data with different units (eg. temperature, salinity and density versus depth) on the same axes having the x-axis for the parameters "floating" below. The number of parameters plotted is not limited. From Blair Greenan. Temperature-Salinity Plot : The tsplot toolbox builds on the tsdiagram function found in the OCEANS toolbox at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. You can produce TS plots using either a command line function (tsdiagram) or a Graphical User Interface (tsplot). From Blair Greenan. RPS Stuff Miscellaneous time series tools from Rich Signell, a PPM image reader and writer, a program to read SeaBird CTD .CNV files, and more. Data Interface Tools MEXCDF: A complete and efficient interface between MATLAB and NetCDF files, implemented through a mex file. NetCDF toolbox for Matlab 5. An powerful and elegant syntax for working with NetCDF data from within Matlab 5. MEXEPS : An interface between MATLAB and EPIC, NOAA PMEL's system for management, display, and analysis of oceanographic data CSIRO NetCDF access tools. These tools allow simplified extraction of data from NetCDF files using either an interactive or command line interface. MSQUERY enables you to transfer the results of a query in the Microsoft Access 97 database program directly into your Matlab workspace using MS Windows ActiveX technology. The columns headings from the Access query are parsed and assigned as the variable names of the appropriate columns in your Matlab workspace. From Blair Greenan. ADCP Stuff: : Tools for converting RDI data to netCDF format, then manipulating and visualizing these files with Matlab. Miscellaneous Other Tools Mooring dynamics and design tools : A MATLAB 5 package to design, analyze and model oceanographic moorings, from Richard Dewey. Spatial and Geometric Analysis (SaGA) toolkit . Gridding, tesselation, and more. EasyKrig2.0 Toolkit : A gui-driven collection of routines to make Kriging of hydrographic and other spatial data a simple process, by Dr. Dezhang Chu. EXTCONTOUR Extended contouring capabilities for Matlab 4 & 5. Can handle parametric surfaces, filled contours, publication-quality labelling and more. COLORBARF Produces a colorbar for a filled contour plot with the appropriate colors and tick marks. From Blair Greenan. MATHEMATICA-based Wavelet tidal analysis software Tidal analysis tools for non-stationary tidal processes (e.g., barotropic river tides and continental shelf internal tides). Developed by David Jay and Ed Flinchem. Note: although this software isn't in Matlab, it seemed useful enough to link here anyway!