Internship Opportunities (2007):

This is a summary of all undergraduate research programs that come through my e-mail box. It is by no means a complete list, and my own knowledge of these programs is for the most part limited.---Sarah Gille

Oregon State University College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences research experience for undergraduates

See for details. Approximately 20 positions (5 in satellite remote sensing), all for US citizens. Application deadline: Feb. 15, 2007.

Calit2 Summer Research Program

What: An opportunity for undergraduates to work closely with a faculty advisor as paid, full-time student researchers conducting their own projects for a 10-week period during the summer. The research experience is supplemented by weekly seminars and presentations on research and career-related topics.

Open to all UCSD undergraduates registered in Spring 2007 or incoming Fall 2007.

For more information visit, or email

Interested students are also encouraged to attend one of two information sessions: Thurs, 1/25 @ 2pm and Weds, 2/14 @ 2pm in the 5th floor open space, Atkinson Hall

National Science Foundation opportunities

We would like to invite you to apply to the NSF-STC Summer Undergraduate Internship Program. The National Science Foundation Science and Technology Centers (STCs) offer paid summer internships at our seventeen centers, located at prestigious universities around the United States. These summer internships provide undergraduates an opportunity to conduct research in a graduate school setting in the following fields: 1) biological sciences, 2) computer and information sciences, 3) engineering, 4) geosciences, and 5) mathematical and physical sciences.

These summer research opportunities are fully funded and are an excellent way to gain a competitive edge toward graduate school. The centers are currently accepting applications for the 2007 Summer Programs. Deadlines are rapidly approaching and I would like to encourage anyone interested to apply. For more information on these programs, please access our website at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Wesley Uehara via email at

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program at the University of Wisconsin Madison, College of Engineering

At this time we are soliciting assistance from you in identifying students at your institution who may have an interest in pursuing a graduate degree in engineering. We are particularly interested in identifying underrepresented candidates including first generation/low income, women, and students of color. All applicants should have completed at least their sophomore year, have a GPA of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, be U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled in an accredited college or university, and have a strong interest in a graduate degree in engineering or physical science.

The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) is a ten week program running May 30 through August 3, 2007. Participants receive transportation to and from the program, a single room, small food plan, and a $4,000 stipend for a total package worth an estimated $5,000. Additional information along with a program application is available through the SURE/REU page at The program recruits students from the following backgrounds: physics, engineering, chemistry, and other physical sciences. We would like to highlight faculty associated with our Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC). Applicants are encouraged to read more about MRSEC projects at:

Placements for the summer of 2007 will begin January 15. Consequently we encourage applications prior to that date (to better ensure students are placed in their specific research area of interest) or as soon as possible after that date and before February 15, 2007. Please note that not all students who apply will be invited to participate. All placements are subject to faculty approval and are often outside the control of the SURE/REU program staff.

Thank you in advance for your support of our program. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions about the SURE/REU Program or the University of Wisconsin Madison. I can be reached at (608) 263-4583 or

Kelly Burton, MSE, NCC
Graduate Student Services Coordinator
Graduate Engineering Research Scholars Program
College of Engineering
University of Wisconsin Madison

Shannon Point Marine Center NSF Multicultural Initiatives in the Marine Sciences: Undergraduate Participation (MIMSUP) (2007)

The program runs for two quarters (January to mid-June) and involves formal courses (providing 31 quarter credits for transfer), an independent research experience, and training in field and laboratory investigative techniques. Participants attend the 2007 ASLO meetings. Virtually all expenses, including tuition and travel, are paid by the NSF grant. The program received the 2002 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Math and Engineering Mentoring.

Additional information can be obtained at their web site at or by calling the program director, Dr. Brian Bingham (360-650-7400). He will be happy to talk with students or faculty.

US Office of Science Undergraduate Internships (2007)

Opportunities at Los Alamos National Laboratory and other national labs for summer 2007. The program is restricted to citizens or greencard holders, and will offer an allowance of $400 per week. Application deadline: Feb 1, 2007.

2006 Opportunities (out-dated)

4.  Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Research Experience for Undergrads

See SIO_REU.pdf

3.  Port of San Diego

The Port of San Diego's Environmental Services Department is looking to fill an open paid internship. This internship is available as either an Intern I (undergraduate student) or an Intern II (graduate student), and interns must be currently enrolled in a university to qualify. Our interns have many different repsonsibilities, including marina inspections, dredge monitoring, and various other projects. For more information, please view the solicitation at .

Interested? We would like to fill this position soon, so please submit an application to the Port's Human Resources Department by the end of March.

Kelly Moewe
Assistant Environmental Specialist
Environmental Services
Port of San Diego
P.O. Box 120488
San Diego, CA 92112
phone: (619)686-6598
fax: (619)686-6467

2.  CHRONOS Internship Opportunities Summer 2006

The CHRONOS program seeks applications from U.S. graduate and advanced undergraduate students interested in Earth history, paleobiology, stratigraphy and paleoceanography for one-month paid internships ($3000 stipend for either June or July) in Summer 2006 at Iowa State University. CHRONOS is a team of geoscientists and information technology specialists creating a cyberinfrastructure that delivers open access to a global federation of Earth history databases, tools, and services to geosciences researchers, and a source of Earth history data and visualization tools for educators and students. Interns will have the opportunity to utilize CHRONOS data sets and services in their own research or work with CHRONOS scientists and programmers on programs that are already in progress.  For more information see: and
For further information about internships, contact Cinzia Cervato ( Interested applicants should submit a brief cover letter (including the outline of a proposed project that specifically involves the use of data or tools accessible through CHRONOS), resume, and the name and e-mail address of their research advisor to: Timothy J. Bralower (Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802; Application deadline: March 31, 2006.

1.  University of Colorado

REU Program in Environmental Engineering at the University of Colorado - Boulder
We are pleased to announce Summer 2006 research opportunities for undergraduate students on topics related to "Environmental Fluids: Science, Assessment, and Treatment". Potential research topics include drinking water treatment, wastewater treatment, stream ecology, acid mine drainage impacts, site remediation, air pollution, groundwater modeling, fluid mechanics, and hydroclimatology. Students will receive a stipend of $3,000 for the 10-week program (June 5 - August 11, 2006), 3-credits of upper division Independent Study, room and board in the dormitories, and a travel stipend. Screening of applicants will begin March 15, 2006, but applications will be accepted through April 21 or until all positions are filled. For general information, an REU application, and a complete program description, visit the program web site at:

Angela R. Bielefeldt, PhD, PE
Associate Professor
Dept. Civil, Environmental, & Arch. Engrg.
428 UCB
Univ. of Colorado; Boulder, CO 80309
(303) 492-8433