SIO 221B:  Analysis of Physical Oceanographic Data

Winter 2025

SIOC 221B covers techniques for analysis of physical oceanographic data involving many simultaneous processes, including probability densities, sampling errors, spectral analysis, empirical orthogonal functions, correlation, linear estimation, objective mapping. It is the second course in a series. Students who have not taken the first course may want to look at the brief synopsis of key background that you should have at this web site.

Sarah Gille

Lectures: Wednesday/Friday 2:00-3:20, Spiess Hall 330

Problem session: Monday 2:00-2:50, Spiess Hall 330

SIO Office: Nierenberg Hall 348

Telephone: 822-4425 e-mail: sgille at

Course website:

Grading: S/U, based on homework and independent project. (See syllabus)

Final presentations: Monday, March 17, 3-6 pm

syllabus in pdf form
Reference List

This is the public website for the course. More information is available on the UCSD Canvas site for the course. When possible, schedule and topics will be posted here. Notes and topics for upcoming lectures are tentative and subject to extensive revision.

Lecture notes and handouts:   (See Canvas for slides, since they may contain copyrighted material.)

Pitfalls people encounter in Matlab