William R. Young

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

email: wryoung@ucsd.edu

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
9500 Gilman Drive #0213
La Jolla, CA 92093-0213

Address for parcel deliveries:
Center for Coastal Studies, Room 210
2130 Naga Way
La Jolla, CA92037

Telephone: (858) 534-1380

Map of Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

My office is in the Center for Coastal Studies, building 8650 (just North of the Scripps Pier) on the SIO map linked above. I'm on the second floor in room 210.

Vita, publication list and .pdf reprints



Teaching and class notes

Applied Mathematics, SIO203C/MAE294C: Asymptotics, perturbation theory and so on

Spring 2014 Theory Seminar: Ocean surface processes and inference of subsurface flow.

Spring 2015 Theory Seminar: Langmuir circulation and wave-mean flow interaction.

Spring 2016 Theory Seminar: Form stress and geostrophic turbulence over topography.

Lectures on Stirring and Mixing from the 1999 Woods Hole Program in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Links to scientific collaborators:

Neil Balmforth
Paola Cessi
Thierry Dauxois
William K. Dewar
Raffaele Ferrari
Peter Franks
Chris Garrett
Basile Gallet
Glenn Ierley
Stefan Llewellyn Smith
Sean McNamara
Walter Munk
Ruth Musgrave
Francesco Paparella
Naomi E. Pierce
Yves Pomeau
Francois Petrelis
Tony Roberts
Peter Rhines
Allan W. Snyder
Satoshi Sakai
Andrew Thompson
Wenbo Tang
Jeffrey B. Weiss
Yue-Kin Tsang
Jacques Vanneste
Gregory LeClaire Wagner
Kraig Winters
Navid Constantinou
Cesar Rocha
Lia Siegelman
Geoff Vallis