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Laurence M. Gould Shipboard ADCP data

The R/V Laurence M. Gould is a major research platform for ocean and climate studies. This ship travels worldwide, participating in diverse measurements of the atmosphere and ocean. While the ship is underway, a hull-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measures the velocity of the upper-ocean currents below the ship.

Links to vector and contour plots of the velocity data in gif and/or postscript format are provided below. Selecting "examine data" will access an image map of the cruise track. Selection of any of the labeled sections, by clicking on the letter, will show a vector plot of upper ocean velocities over topography, with temperatures color-coded on the vectors. Contour plots of both zonal and meridional velocity versus depth and the appropriate horizontal dimension are accessible from the vector plots. These plots display shaded velocity values between +/- 100 cm s-1 typically, with divisions at +/- 10 cm s-1. Positive and negative values are demarcated with a black line.

NOTE: If you experience difficulty choosing a particular section plot, click on the Capital letter(s). If the difficulty is that the labels are packed too tightly, try going to the section list (from any vector or contour plot) and loading from there.




Thumbnail map showing labelled sections for which data are available LG9908
Palmer Station Support/Turnover & ADCP Shakedown Cruise
Sep - Sep, 1999

Drake Passage
examine data or download postscript of map (back to top)

Thumbnail map showing labelled sections for which data are available LG9908b
Turnover and Copa Field Camp Opening
Oct - Oct, 1999

Drake Passage
examine data or download postscript of map (back to top)

Thumbnail map showing labelled sections for which data are available LG9909
Influence of Seasonal Ice Cover on Pelagic and Benthic Communities
Oct - Nov, 1999

Drake Passage
examine data or download postscript of map (back to top)

Thumbnail map showing labelled sections for which data are available LG9910
Impact and Fate of Bloom Material on the Sea Floor
Nov - Dec, 1999

Drake Passage
examine data or download postscript of map (back to top)

Thumbnail map showing labelled sections for which data are available LG9911

Dec - Dec, 1999

Drake Passage
examine data or download postscript of map (back to top)

These data were processed (preliminary processing only) at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

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